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Need Some HELP?
Okefenokee NWR
-Questions about the Okefenokee? Suggestions for trip-
-itineraries? How about those alligators? :-)-
-Reach out! More than likely I can answer your questions,- -concerns or point you in the right direction. It's FREE!-
-I don't charge a thing. I just want to be an ambassador-
-for the Okefenokee that I love. I enjoy talking all things-
-Interested in buying a hard copy of my book? They are-
-sold at the Refuge at Okefenokee Adventures and-
-Stephen C. Foster State Park, and at Savannah Canoe &-
-Kayak. They are only $12.95. Or you can reach out to me-
-directly and we'll figure out a way to get a copy to you.-
Pictured: Orange Trail /-
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