Difficulty: Moderate to Canal Run, due to distance. Moderate to difficult from Canal Run to Billys Lake.
Distance: 16 miles.
General Location: It's the long trail that cuts across the Refuge in east-west direction. Includes the Suwannee Canal.
Connects: Suwannee Canal Recreation Area to nearly Stephen C. Foster State Park. Connects to the Yellow, Pink, Blue, Purple, and Red trails.
Features: 11 miles of canal, then narrow twists/turns from Canal Run to Billys Island. Lots of tall, eerie, picturesque trees with Spanish moss.
Shelters: 5.6 miles from Suwannee Canal Rec. Area is Coffee Bay camping platform. Canal Run camping platform is 10 miles from Suwannee Canal Recreation Area. Can get out at Billys Island to stretch your legs
and have lunch.
Current: Gently flows west towards Stephen C. Foster State Park.
Precautions: During times of low water levels, the narrow twists/turns between Canal Run and Billys
Island can be difficult.
GPS Coordinates for Map Below:
GPS-1: Yellow Trail intersection
30°44'14.8"N, 82°10'14.7"W or 30.737442, -82.170742
GPS-2: Beginning of Pink Trail
30°44'14.0"N, 82°10'29.3"W or 30.737230, -82.174807
GPS-3: Purple Trail intersection
30°48'13.8"N, 82°14'50.2"W or 30.803840, -82.247265
GPS-4: Blue Trail intersection (turn to head towards Floyds Island camp)
30°48'51.0"N, 82°15'02.6"W or 30.814165, -82.250723
GPS-5: Billys Island access (on south side of Orange Trail)
30°49'53.3"N, 82°19'57.9"W or 30.831474, -82.332757
GPS-6: Red Trail intersection
30°50'05.5"N, 82°20'35.4"W or 30.834862, -82.343155